
Simple Strategies for Problem-Solving

There are three types of problems that people tend to face in their lives: external, internal, and existential. External problems involve something outside our control, such as an illness, natural disaster, or even family conflicts. Internal issues result from poor choices and decisions in life, such as not exercising enough or eating processed food. Existential problems are more complicated than the other two types because they require facing an unknown. This is why people must do things like research and experiment with different solutions to solve them.

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Confidence Check

Confidence is the most essential characteristic of any human being, and it is necessary for you to feel like you can conquer any problem in life. This is why there are many self-help books and seminars on how to be confident, but these often contain general tips that do not apply to all individuals.

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Anger: The Effects to Our Body

Often, we feel angry and stressed. There are several ways our body reacts to this emotion: we might feel hurt, betrayed, and so on. When these emotions happen, and we feel like the world is falling apart, it’s best to learn what you can control: your thoughts & actions. You can pack up if that’s helpful or take steps towards happier feelings.

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What is Change in Business and Life?

The meaning of change is to alter often, become different or distinct from what was previously (usually bad); to go (usually for the better). The dictionary says that change is a process, not an event. That’s true. But it can be hard to embrace the idea that change is not an all-or-nothing proposition. We tend to think of change as something that happens to us, not something we initiate.

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